Tools & Resources


Browse Pamela’s tools and practices to develop conscious bravery

Tools: Flipsides of the Same Coin

Tools: Flipsides of the Same Coin

Flipsides of the Same Coin In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, and invincible calm. I realized, through...

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Tools: Seesaw of Regret

Tools: Seesaw of Regret

Stuck in Regret? Regret is feeling remorse or sadness about having done or not done something. Regret can come to our aid like a wise advisor or a guiding light depending on our perspective! Its productive signal helps us to bravely behave differently when we listen...

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Tools: DISCO

Tools: DISCO

Tools: DISCO                                           A practice for moving from situational drama into presence with greater perspective When a difficult situation arrives in our lives, we are often overwhelmed by all the information hitting us at once. We feel...

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Tools: B.O.A.R

Tools: B.O.A.R

Tools: B.O.A.R.                                              The most universally effective tool I teach to reset and rebalance during times of upset, overwhelm or devastation I learned components of this practice from different places and people, changing it over the...

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For Those Who Love Someone with Addiction


Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) (

Al-Anon (

Changes Parent Support Network (; national)

CoDA, (

CRAFT Method (

Families Anonymous (

Nar-Anon (

S-Anon (

Springs Recovery Connection (; local to Colorado).

Addiction and Mental Health Resources

LEAP Institute (

NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness)

For Your Loved One: Support for those with Addictions

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (

All Addictions Anonymous (

Cocaine Anonymous (CA) (

Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) (

Dual Recovery Anonymous (UK) (

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) (

Gamblers Anonymous (GA) (

Marijuana Anonymous (

Methadone Anonymous (

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) (

Nicotine Anonymous (

Recovery Dharma ( Recovery Diaries (

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) (

Sexaholics Anonymous (

SMART Recovery (

Women for Sobriety (WFS) (

XA Speakers (

Yoga of 12-Step Recovery (

Online Self-Help Forums for Addicts

AA Intergroup (

Addiction Recovery Guide (

Addiction Survivors (

NA Chat (

Soberistas (

Support Groups (

12-Step Forums (

Treatment Locator

Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator for US ( Recovery:


Tips and stories about conscious bravery from the author combined with powerful suggestions for inner empowerment. 


Browse Pamela’s podcasts for insight on tools and practices to find and cultivate your conscious bravery and inner wisdom. 



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