Tools & Resources
Browse Pamela’s tools and practices to develop conscious bravery
Tools: Be a Tall Tree
Our Five Powerful Constants
Tools: The Self-Worth Pyramid
Tools: Know Your ABC’s
Tools: The Whole Being Scan
Tools: The 3 Part Apology with Forgiveness
Tools: Authentic Relating for Clear Communication
Tools: The Beliefs Cairn
Tools: Flipsides of the Same Coin
Flipsides of the Same Coin In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, and invincible calm. I realized, through...
Tools: The 6 Zones of Experience
Tools: Seesaw of Regret
Stuck in Regret? Regret is feeling remorse or sadness about having done or not done something. Regret can come to our aid like a wise advisor or a guiding light depending on our perspective! Its productive signal helps us to bravely behave differently when we listen...
Tools: DISCO
Tools: DISCO A practice for moving from situational drama into presence with greater perspective When a difficult situation arrives in our lives, we are often overwhelmed by all the information hitting us at once. We feel...
Tools: B.O.A.R
Tools: B.O.A.R. The most universally effective tool I teach to reset and rebalance during times of upset, overwhelm or devastation I learned components of this practice from different places and people, changing it over the...
For Those Who Love Someone with Addiction
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) (
Al-Anon (
Changes Parent Support Network (; national)
CoDA, (
CRAFT Method (
Families Anonymous (
Nar-Anon (
S-Anon (
Springs Recovery Connection (; local to Colorado).
Addiction and Mental Health Resources
LEAP Institute (
NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness)
For Your Loved One: Support for those with Addictions
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (
All Addictions Anonymous (
Cocaine Anonymous (CA) (
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) (
Dual Recovery Anonymous (UK) (
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) (
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) (
Marijuana Anonymous (
Methadone Anonymous (
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) (
Nicotine Anonymous (
Recovery Dharma ( Recovery Diaries (
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) (
Sexaholics Anonymous (
SMART Recovery (
Women for Sobriety (WFS) (
XA Speakers (
Yoga of 12-Step Recovery (
Online Self-Help Forums for Addicts
AA Intergroup (
Addiction Recovery Guide (
Addiction Survivors (
NA Chat (
Soberistas (
Support Groups (
12-Step Forums (
Treatment Locator
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator for US ( Recovery: